Join our Waitlist!

Thank you for your interest in membership in SHRA. Currently there is a lengthy wait list of households that would like to join. Spaces open when members choose not to renew their annual membership. We offer those spaces to folks who have joined our wait list, in order of oldest signup date. Secure your spot on the list today! The waitlist application $50 fee is non-refundable, but will be credited towards the full membership initiation fee when you join the club. Please do not enter the waitlist/pay $50 more than once. Only ONE deposit of $50 is credited to your account and multiple instances only serve to lengthen the list unnecessarily. If spaces are available, the club invites new members from the waitlist, by mid-April. Make sure emails from don't go in your Spam/Junk! Add us to trusted contacts so you don't miss an invite. As of August 2024, the waitlist is approximately 225 prospective members long and the 2024 season is at capacity; we have already extended a limited number of August memberships offered in WL signup order, and they are now filled. Recent years of SHRA waitlist timing has been 2 years+ before an invitation can be extended. This might seem silly to state, but please make sure you intend to join SHRA- Sleepy Hollow Recreation Association. We are immediately next door to SHBR (Sleepy Hollow Bath and Racquet) on Sleepy Hollow Road and the clubs are regularly confused. They are separate entities with different governance and organizational structure. Prospective members often get the communications mixed up if you're on both waiting lists, so please pay particular attention to which club is referenced. Returning members - do not rejoin the waitlist! Refer to below tiers and stay current with your email for annual renewals.

SHRA Waitlist


The non-refundable waitlist fee will be credited towards the SHRA membership application fee when you join the club.

Price: $50.00

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Membership Information

Returning Members will renew via an email invoice. Our membership tiers and pricing for one full year of club membership are listed below.

Family Membership


For a family of up to ten individual of any age who all live at the same physical address.

Family Membership    

$680   Sign in to purchase

Dual Membership


Membership for 1 adult plus 1 child or 2 adults over 18 who live at the same physical address.

Dual Membership    

$620   Sign in to purchase

Single Membership


Membership for 1 adult over 18 years of age.

Individual Membership    

$595   Sign in to purchase

Senior Membership


Membership for up to 2 adults over 60 years of age.

Senior Membership    

$545   Sign in to purchase